Monday, September 13, 2010

This is a quote from my Opposing Teams first paragraph in their opening statement:

In California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, there is very little control over who enters the country, and who leaves the country. We need to step up the security right away to ensure that all Americans have a fair shot at getting jobs, and the population does not overwhelm the availability of them. We already have enough homeless and unemployed people in America without more people coming here.

Let me just say this, the Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, had the exact same idea and now, she has made it OK to stop any Mexican and ask them for their "papers".  Is that a right thing to do? In what way is it? I do believe that there may be some truth in letting people on and out of this country, that are illegal, to do things that legal citizens would do. But then we start to racially profile people, and stop to ask them for their papers. That's not right. Also, how do we decide whether or not people are illegal or not? That's where we start to discriminate against other people. "...all Americans..." How do we define American? As someone who is born here or has gone through the appropriate "training" to becoming American? So lets take this and make a situation. Lets say that two illegal immigrants come and have a child here in the United States. When their child is old enough, they try to apply him/her to school in the local school district. The district finds out that they are illegal and they sign a deportation paper. What happens to the child? We cant separate the family. What happens there?

Also, my opponent mentions only the states of the Mexican-American Border. Illegal immigrants are not just from Mexico, I would like to remind my opponent of this. That is racial Profiling.

Here's another from this blog:

If nothing happens, and we allow illegal immigrants to come, then the population of the United States will overflow, and probably half of America would be full of homeless people. If that happens, then there would be a lot more murdering and stealing over food and money.

How does letting illegal immigrants coming into the country induce murdering and stealing? Murdering can be done by anyone, even children. Race does not prohibit anyone from committing crimes. It seems ludicrous that half of America would become homeless if illegal immigrants were to enter the US. That happens when the economy collapses like during the recession that started in 2001. When the economy falls, jobs are lost and then homelessness is increased. Not because of illegal immigrants. I understand that you mean that the country would be strapped for recourse's. But the way you word this phrase makes you sound like illegals are the problems. Be careful when wording your phrases.

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