Friday, September 17, 2010

Something Special Amist The Dust

Wow! this is an amazing short story. Here, its on Constance's blog. Her use of words and description to create an awesome impression in your mind is baffling. She uses words spelled like it was written back then. The words she uses such as "neighbours’" and "colours" gives the piece a sort of special aspect about it. The way she describes the characters in her story is with so much detail and vigor that it leaves you begging for more. I have to say that I was very eager to to see what was going to happen to Tad and whether or not Darasci was going to support his search of the heavenly Eggstone. I highly recommend this to become a book and after that, a full on Motion Picture.
     The excitement of the writer is dominantly presented in this piece. I can fully see the whole aspect of Draigfest. I really like how she gave a full description of the way the dragons mistreat each other and how the separation and segregation of the Dragons cultures are so dominate in their overall culture. She gave an awesome entry of how this "lone dragon", as if she were a professional writer. Her diction in this story is outstanding and "right on", it goes well with the overall story line.
     While I was reading this, I was full of eagerness to see what was going to happen and amazement to see she could right this good for a teenager. I have known Constance for about 3 years now, we went to the same school for Jr. High. I have graded some of her work in core class and what not, and I was already amazed by her diction and grammar. But this is a work of art! A true masterpiece! Constance, If your reading this, I highly recommend that you continue this story, and go as far with it as making a book. It holds a true tale of adventure and will be as big as Harry Potter. I really enjoyed this sneak peak of the Future Book.
     The detail oh each of the clans is awesome. I really got an image of hundreds of Dragons in a deep part of some abandoned forest in some make believe fantasy world. I love the description of the disagreement of each of the clans, and how each clan has a unique talent. I said it once and I'll say it again, this is a "Next best seller" in the making.
     I await eagerly to see how this whole thing will turn out.

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