Friday, September 17, 2010

“All’s Well That Ends Well”

     I was enjoying my life as any other 14 year old boy would. Doing homework, hanging out with friends, doing chores, activities like these filled my day. I was walking home from school one day when it happened. The path home from school is right in font of the old the circus amusement park, abandoned in 1945, and it was a Friday. They say that only on “Friday nights the ghost of the monstro would linger around looking for the sacred…” and that’s the entire story the village elder ever said. The village would always have an unsaid rule on Friday nights to not enter the circus park. But this night was different. Well different for my friends and I.
     As we entered the abandoned circus, all we could see is the beams of light our flashlights would make and the things un-hidden by them. It was a cold, dark, and scary night to choose to go, but it was like us to do irrational things. I could tell that we all had the same gut feeling when we saw the gruesome clown face staring down at us from atop the fun house. That’s when we decided to go back.
     We turned around, ready to leave, but only to find that we were somehow in a middle of a dense forest. We turned again to see if the fun house was still there, but all we saw was the shape of a figure moving very fast in the distance. When we looked again in the direction of the fun house, all we saw this time, was an antique fortune teller booth. We approached the fortune teller cautiously as we could start to feel the sense of fear, and coldness of the woods starting to settle in our bodies. Finally, after reading the sign that said, “Deposit Twenty-five cents to return”, we all started searching for the cold, silver coin that would grant us our freedom from this nightmare.
     One by one we inserted the quarter into the cobweb filled insert slot and one by one we left. I was last in line. I put one of the two quarters I had with me in the slot and was about to walk into the light when I heard a noise from the back of the machine. I thought “oh no, the monstro”, as I could see my breath in the coldness of the night. “AHHHHH!” as I ran into the deep, dark woods. I suddenly realized that I had dropped my quarter and there was no time to run back for it now. I was stuck. I was alone, afraid, worried, and cold. All of these things swept through my body like a tidal wave during a hurricane, it over whelms you…
     I remember running and running until my legs gave up and surrendered to the opposing tiredness. I fell on the twigs and pine needles on the cold ground below me. I remember seeing a glitter in the ground. Finally realizing it was my quarter, I picked it up and tried to run. It was too late. Again the forest switched on me and I was now somewhere deeper in. The sound of the monstro got fainter and fainter until I knew I was in the clear. I began to look, seek, and call for the fortuneteller. But when I called it didn’t appear. Instead the monstro found me and ran towards me. I soon realized that I got what I sought, the fortune teller was on the back of the monstro and was morphed in, controlling it. It grabbed me and tossed me in the air. I fell hard to the ground with a loud thud. I remember then opening my eyes and seeing my stuffed animal, a sheep I’ve had since I was five, right next to me. I looked around, and all I saw was my dust covered shelves, and the unread books on them. I saw the closet door fully closed and in it,  the reflection of the rest of my room. I looked around and saw no monstro. I sighed, closed my eyes, and was soon fast asleep. 

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