Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Q's Identification

In the story of the "thing" named Qfwfq, or "Q" for short, it describes stories of which the main character is Q. Q's personality changes many times. However, in the stories The Aquatic Uncle and The Dinosaur, Q experiences Jealousy, Arrogance, Embarrassment, and un-empathetical. He experiences these three emotions in these two stories. Q takes on many personalities, each describing his character further from the physical appearances.

The most important character trait which Q expresses is Jealousy. We experience this theme when Lll leaves Q for the comforts of the old, uncle, fish N’ba N’ga.

“And what do you think you'll do, all alone with an old fish?” “Marry him. Be a fish again with him. And bring still more fish into the world. Good-by.” pg 81
 This quote expresses Q’s jealousy because he goes on to describe the way Lll re surfaced with the uncle. He writes:
“She surfaced, but she wasn't alone; the sturdy, curved tail of great uncle N’ba N’ga rose near hers and, together they cleft the waters.” pg 81
 He wrote with so much jealousy. The way he described the uncle’s tail in this passage is full of resentment and disgust. This is an example of the theme of Q’s jealousy. 

Q often goes back and forth between arrogance and embarrassment.
“Never before had my great-uncle seemed so different from the rest of us: a real monster.” pg 76
 In This passage, Q explores embarrassment through the relationship of the uncle and Lll. Here's another quote from The Dinosaur:
“And if you don't dance with me, I’ll dance with another!” pg 110 
 Here, Q went over to go and talk to Fern-Flower, pleading with her to have fun with him. After this quote, Q goes and dances with the Half-breed. here, it shows how Q seemed to want to hurt Fern-flower, and make her feel guilty of all her wrong doings toward Q. This quote also explores how, since he is the last of species he somehow deserves special treatment.

Throughout the story, Q shows a low level of being empathic. Here, Q asks Fern-Flower to dance with him after she just told him that she was feeling bad about her dream.
“you can never talk about anything that isn't sad!” I said, frivolously. “Stop it. Come and dance!” pg 110
Here, Q is being un-empathetic and rude to Fern-Flower’s feelings. It shows the level of curtisy he has for her and the amount of emotional intelligence to understanding these type of ques.

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