Friday, January 21, 2011

Wikileaks is designed to spread or "leak" censored information to the people about the government. There purpose is to benefit society by doing this, not harm it. Even when some people believe that this is something that is meant to harm society. All wikileaks is doing is exposing the government of what it trully is instead it "claims" to be. Our government does things in our nations name that we might not be proud of. So, if we do not know what "we" are doing, then how can "we" say "we the people"? In other words, how can we have a democracy, when our government cant be true to us? A democracy defined by is this:
"Government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system."
"Government by the people"..... If our government is hiding something, then its not "by the people" and thus not a democracy. This is all wikileaks is tying to do.

Here are some positive things that came out of wiki leaks:

In Tunisia, the President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, has been ruling Tunisia with an "iron fist" claims New York Times and The Atlantic.  However the news of this has been sort of shut off to the rest of the world, if i read this correctly, and that, since wikileaks leaked this, the President was driven out to exile. This is, of course is a good thing because he was basically a dictator and censorship-leader.

There has been a huge massive leak regarding papers of the war in Iraq stating first had accounts and secret things about the starting the war. This can be found the actuall wikileaks website here.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that wiki leaks can reveal information that government tends to keep as secrets, but does utilizing wiki leaks to expose what the government does exposure change anything about government's actions (you may say yes, but you need to write about your support in your writing)?
