Friday, January 14, 2011

"The ignorance of people can sometimes be overwhelming. Sometimes it just hits me that we, humans, the animals that have an open consouis and can feel love are the same animals that can a drop a nuke and comit genocide on a people because religious sterotypes. We are the animals that can make industries like Pixar and the Red Cross, but yet, we can also judge someone based on thier skin color or have rich and poor. Well, I think we messed up, big time. I think it stared to go bad when we first elected the first tribal leader. Some say that we need a leader but i think that was our major and ultimate defeat. Egalitarian. That basically means in a crude and understated way equal. Thats how we all should of acted at the beginning. This would mean that we would hold each member in the tribe EQUALLY responsible for the saftey of the tribe and themselves, the maintanice of the tribe and self and the progression of the tribe and self. 

What would that look like today? well sort of like this: When we see a pot hole in the street, we fill it.When we see a root damaging the ashalut, we chop it. When we mistakingly given someone a penny for change, even though it should have been a dime, we switch it. It may not seem like it, but this is revolutinary. It's silly to thinink that a change mis calculation can lead to genocide, but it can. Thats when we, as humans start to get lazy."....

so this is sort of what i was thinking writing for my peace essay. After i talk about laziness, i'll go a start to talk about obtaining peace today and then ill re-state my maintance thing, add a couple of quotes here and there, and yeah. 
 so please, comment and comment all u want. I think thats a wonderful way of learning, through constructive criticism. 

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