Friday, November 5, 2010

so this is a quote from vic's blog:

Every child does have one childhood and should be able to enjoy it. They shouldn't suffer as a child because of school nor should they suffer as an adult, working all day trying to support theirselves. School takes up a third of the day and sleep as well. That leaves about eight hours left for everything else we must do. Homework also takes up three to five hours so that leaves around four hours left in the day. Everyday, students have four hours of free time.

i agree with this. every child has only one childhood. una ninez. ok. so we shouldnt waste it. its a precious time of development people!! did you know that there actuall statistics that show that kids (especially teens) need more sleep than most adults! so that should be a big indicator that maybe we should get less homework to sleep and hangout. and maybe we can get the optimal childhood EVERYONE wants. so give us less homework.
also, besides being a developmental stage in a child’s life, it also helps with social problems that we might development. we cant escape this fact that every child needs a real childhood. i’m not trying to say though that we should be totally free, i mean that we should also learn all that proper stuff llike respect and responsibility. I need four more words... so yeah. in conclusion, i feel that children need to feel liberated and imaginative in there daily lives. (that was dorky)

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