Monday, November 15, 2010

Kite runner; the final look

This last section of the book was hard to read because their was so much emotion and intense scenes. I felt many times that i could not continue reading, especially during the parts where Amir and Assef had a confrontation, or when Sohrab try's to commit suicide. Those scenes are hard to read because you feel very uncomfortable reading those parts.
          I think it is very interesting how easy it was for Amir to amit his feelings so easily to Sohrab, a boy who he had only just met. However, my class mate brought up a good point about how Sohrab had a right to know the truth about his dad's relationship with Amir. His dad was Hassan, who actually ends up being related to Amir. This makes Sohrab Amirs half nephew. Also, i think Amir so easily confessed to Sohrab about his problems because he was a stranger, more or less, and will not immediately judge. I believe that this has something to do with it.
          Another thing i noticed was that Amir looks up to Soraya. I dont remember if there is a direct qoute from the book about this, so if there is, then I am sorry that I took this idea. Amir wants to be as rebelious and "free" as Soraya, his wife. There are many examples of her expressing her freedom, like when she runs away with the other Afghani man. However, she is blocked to express her freedom fully because she is a women. Thus, she shuned and spat upon by others. For example, people wont stop talking about her running off and she gets really annoyed by this. We see how badly women are treated when the women and man are stoned to death because she and him where having an affair. Amir can express his freedom fully because he is a male and is thus given privileges not given to females. However, he is held back by the memory of Hassan, as a friend and as a constant victim. Amir is constantly being reminded of Hassan all the way to the end of the novel, the last page even, when he sees Hassan in Sohrab and in himself as the Kite runner.

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