Thursday, April 7, 2011


Gorge orwell is an amazing writer who writes about reality before it happens. His 1949 novel 1984 depicts a story where propoganda rules over good intentons. Animal farm is a story about pigs who believe that are the natural born leaders and attempt to take over the farm. Both of the stories are novels that are way ahead of there time. Pretty much, everything in 1984 is relatively accurate, if you get rid of all the symbolism.

Gorge Orwell tells a story about a society that censors everything and forms ideas to despense to the public.  Everyday, they go through procedures and mechanics so that they are able to see what the people are thinking. They have a secret police, that is not very secret. they are called the thought police and strike terror in their patents who commit thought crimes. "thoughtcrime does not entail death; thought crime IS death"pg 28, 1984 The thought police remind me of the Gestapo of the Nazis. they forced much terror in the people, also familiar to the Soviet Union and their police that would take people to the Guloges.

Animal Frm is a story about rebellion going bad. First the farm revolts and take down the tyranny of humans. The pigs, being the smartest, naturally take comand of the new farm where everyone is treated equally. However, after much trials and tribulations, the Pigs have a shocking secret, that personaly shocked me.

These two different books by the same author offer relatively the ame facts about governments keeping facts and telling either whit lies or empty promises.


  1. Hey Cristian,
    I liked how you introduced your book, it gave me a good idea of the style of writing and the contents. After reading through your post I understood what your question was, but it would be easier to just post the question at the top to keep the reader from guessing.
    If you cleaned up your cd a little bit, it would also make it easier to understand.
    Overall good post :)

  2. The post is good. It's a very interesting book you picked. I like how you relate the thought police to the Gestapo and the Guloges. You could have described how Animal Farm was too modeled after the Soviet Union and how Napoleon was Stalin and the other pig was Trotsky.
