Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1984 and Animal Farm

George Orwell, a renowned writer who writes sci-fi stories relating to governments and how they treat the People. I have read two books by him, Animal Farm, and i am still reading 1984. Both of these books have shocking and VERY disturbing realties. these stories have more in common than they do in differences. Because of this, my post is going to be about the similarities rather than the differences. 

There are many similarities that are shown in both books. The first one, Animal Farm,, takes in place on a rebelled farm from the humans. the pigs take over and thus, rule the farm with the saying, "Everyone is created equal, but some are more equal than others." It is very scary to think that some are more equal than others. What does this mean? This is very confusing, but at the same time, makes complete sense. 

In the book 1984, the world is overrun by war, where it is run by the Three ministries, The ministry of peace, ministry of truth and the ministry of love which is the worst of the three because it has to deal with the war of the world. These three ministries work and are united in one to create what is called Big Brother, which run EVERYTHING, and when i mean everything, i mean everything. The face of Big Brother is everywhere, in every little spot. There is no way to escape it. 

Animal farm resembles the Russian Revolution and the way this revolution shaped the rise of the horrible dictator of communism, Stalin. In 1984, the historical back ground of this symbol is the way the Nazis used propaganda to formulate false ideas about thier enemies. So, to say it simply, Animal represents the Communist Movement while 1984 explores the Fascist movement in the 30's and 40's. 

As you can, you cannot read Animal farm without reading 1984 or visa-versa. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you picked two books to compare that both talked about totalitarian societies. It fits in with the discussion of how fascism and communism are alike and different. You could have compared the three ministries to real organizations in Nazi Germany. For example, you could use the heer, waffen ss, and gestapo for comparison.
