Blogging has been an experience where I not only have fun through writing, but is a journey of self expression. This was a new experience for me since I had never kept a blog before. I was not sure how I was going to like it. Turns out I really enjoy it. Both writing my own blog and reading what my classmates write is really fun. Also, it is true what they say “practice makes perfect” because I have developed in my writing. I can see some growth in some posts of mine. However, there are some spots where my writing could be better because I was to tired when I posted. I continue to have trouble managing my time. I find myself always rushing in the last minute to write a blog post. Or, I have writer's block and am unable to think of anything else to write. As I continue publishing blog posts, it becomes necessary to develop new habits to replace the old ones. I should make sure that all my posts have more of my true inner thoughts about the topic, a deeper understanding of my peers’ writing through response posts, and more of how my natural, daily life affects my publishing topics.
I always look for articles from others that look either interesting or are a possible “debate starter” because I have the most fun in these two areas. This is also what I look for in the posts by my classmates. Here, we have an example of what I wrote in response to Mercedes’s post about evolution in organisms.
“ “Evolution is an interesting subject, one that affects us all. Take a look at fossils you can find in almost every museum, and compare them to the knowledge we have of their current descendants.” AHHHHHHH! Yes! And the question that comes up is why was the Brown Beetle naturally selected? What was it about that Brown Beetle that made it more attractive to the opposite gender that allowed it to multiply?! Evolution is one of the most amazing processes on Earth. To think that Darwin was able to piece it all together without the benefit of modern day scientific tools/techniques. I consider him a genius.”
Here I express my amazement about the system of evolution and how Darwin’s genius uncovered it. I was mainly referring to her writing and through that growing in my own perspective. I gave my own thoughts and opinions on the matter and how this can relate to modern day society. My response to this blog was motivated by the fact that surrounding my desk/area, I have bookshelves filled with many many books about anthropology and history. All of these books are on the bookcases today because of my mom, who highly influenced my love of anthropology and history. She and I always have conversations about modern day anthropology and of new discoveries in both anthropology and in archeology. So, while I was looking for a very engaging post by a peer to write my response to, I came across Mercedes’ post about Evolution. I began to read it and started to develop ideas about evolution.
I believe that responding to others blogs is a great way to get to know someone in a more intimate way. You know what they say, “you should write what you know, instead of what you don’t”. What I mean to say is if people take this message to heart, then they will make an impression of themselves expressed through their writing. I take this message to heart because when I publish a post, I want to make my opinion heard loud and clear. Many many people read these blogs, and I don't want anybody to get the wrong impression of my character. Also, another reason why responding to other blogs’ is great is because we could formulate other ideas from other blogs. For instance, my response to Mercedes blog was a topic starter for me. I haven't written any posts about evolution or anthropology since then, however I plan to write some in the future. As well, I also hope that one of my posts will start a chain reaction of ideas and themes. My day will come.
My inspiration mainly comes from what happened in my day or from some random thought about some random thing (i.e. my post about grocery store agricultural system) or an actual topic of importance (i.e. my response to Guns, Germs and Steel). It comes from articles I have read or discussions during dinner or from a school topic. There are endless places that I get inspiration from. My art is another thing that gives me inspiration. I use some of my work as motivators. When I write a response post, I usually am motivated by the article/post I read. I found that it is easier to write a response to an article that seems interesting to you. That's what I do in looking for a post to respond to.
“Wow! this is an amazing short story. Here, its on Constance's blog. Her use of words and description to create an awesome impression in your mind is baffling. She uses words spelled like it was written back then. The words she uses such as "neighbours’" and "colours" gives the piece a sort of special aspect about it. The way she describes the characters in her story is with so much detail and vigor that it leaves you begging for more. I have to say that I was very eager to to see what was going to happen to Tad and whether or not Darasci was going to support his search of the heavenly Eggstone. I highly recommend this to become a book and after that, a full on Motion Picture.”
(<side note> I was going to cut things out of this but all of it really needs to there. So, I am only going to count half the words in this quote to make it fair, since it is a long quote. Also, this little side note doesn't count for words either. Thanks Mr. Sutherland! As it stands now I have 1000 words not including what I said I was going to take out.>) Here is a long but much needed quote explaining how I get inspiration to write. After reading her blog and writing a response, I quickly ran to my mom asking her to read this story that Constance had made up. It was so good!!!!! Anyway, I was really inspired to write like her; with so much emotion and dignity!!!
So, again, I need to make sure that all my posts describe my true inner thoughts about the topic, my best understanding of my peers posts, and how I am influenced by others to write. These should be included in my writing goals for the next semester. Some, besides these, include making my themes clearer and understanding and why it is important not procrastinate. I believe that these goals will help succeed in becoming not only a better writer but a better scholar overall.