Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Final Prject Essay!

Blogging is such a unique tool that we should learn to use.  The various posts we write up to the different styles of what we can choose from are just some of these unique futures. Blogger, one of the many ways people blog, is the path we use to get this blogging experience. Blogging about subjects is a way for us to become better and up to date on events occurring in the world. This will help me become stronger in my language and also, more persistent in my speech.  I have not only discovered that writing is a joy, but i have found new ways to express myself in it.

I feel that blogging about a given subject has allowed me to become a more skillful writer. As we can see in the example below, i have matured enough to write about a topic that may be seen as confusing. Here, i wrote when humanity took a turn for the worst by selecting a tribal leader. “Well, I think we messed up, big time. I think it stared to go bad when we first elected the first tribal leader. Some say that we need a leader but i think that was our major and ultimate defeat. Egalitarian. That basically means in a crude and understated way equal.” Here, i explain that it is important to keep everybody equal and how that helps is by making the tribe step up to the plate. I wrote about his topic because it was once a discussion of dinner. We talked and I took mental note about it then dispensed these through my blog. Blogging helps this mature writer inside of me come out.

Another `way that blogging has improved in me is that i am now able to be more self
Confident in my writing. What i mean by this is simple. I wrote about personal experiences in my vignette project for a school assignment. I wrote about my life; how my brother and mother where and still are sick. I wrote about my true life, instead of some character “The last part of eighth grade was hell. God does things for reasons we cannot explain. I don’t understand and I wish I did. If I knew that, I could explain global warming, or why we still have not found a cure for cancer. I do not understand why people go starving every day and yet people can spend billions of dollars on birthday parties.”
There are so many things humans do that are not good for other humans. For instance, as some privileged Americans are living the good life, my mom and my brother both suffer. This is not right. Here, i write about my mom, and i strongly say that she has autoimmune disease. “My mom is that last person that should get sick. Ever. She is a trooper among troopers.
My mom has an autoimmune disease.” here, i wrote about the incurable disease known as autoimmune disease. This was very hard to right about seeing as my mom is very sick and yet, she will never get better. I think that this was a step in blogging experience that needed to be done. I am glad that i wrote about this. Also, blogger helps me cope with things that might be too hard to say in real life. For instance, the quote above is one from a personal vignette project.

Blogger is an awesome tool that allows me to become freer in my writing. I feel that the blog has made me open and free, like in 6th grade where we had passing time to get from one period to the other. Blogging has definitely made me more independent. Besides all this, blogger is fun. I have really grown to like blogger. For instance, i have used this to talk about serious matters (like the one above) and like this one, where all i talked about was friends. “So my best friend ever, Kathryn, she loves this guy named Edward Eric. So for all you anime love in anime club sorry but Edward is taken. You all should remember Kathryn because she shadowed me last Monday. So for all you people that don't know about Full metal Alchemist here is the best of it.”Here, i talked about how one of my friends is in love with this fictional character. Here’s another quote from the Sam random post. “All around the ride is stuffy and sink with old corn dogs, sail nachos, and sticky cotton candy. The railing is sticky and greasy from little children and their cotton covered hands. Impatient parents swiftly gave their bratty children a nasty look. However, the children just simply disregard the look and continue to be pests. Eager customers wait with impatience as the line moves an inch every two to three minutes. The person on the speaker (hardly loud at all because it was deeply muffled by the crowd) said something along the lines of "PLEASE DO NOT STAND, SIT, WALK ON THE RAILING. PLEASE STAY CALM ON THE RIDE. KEEP YOUR HANDS AND FEET IN THE RIDE AT ALL TIMES. THANK YOU AND ENJOY YOUR RIDE."” here, i was starting a story but eventually, just wrote about friends. See, with blogger, i have become more independent as a thinker and more skilled as a writer.

Freedom with blogging is unique. You are allowed to write about opinions. Here, i had to write a debate opener, “Between all these things above, I think that the most persuasive one was the definition of an elite college. This really made me believe what he was saying because he actually had the thought process. In anthropology, anthropologists should always site where they come from that can somehow have a negative effect on the outcome of whatever they are doing.” see, here, i wrote about an opinion that was eventually used in an online debate we had. I use these posts to form ideas during class. Also, this is a great way to find out new information that i did not know about. Like, the assignments where Mr. Sutherland would make us review another’s blog.

        However, it has become apparent that my blogging has been lagging. For instance, i would do so poorly on a blog, it seemed that i had an 8 year old witting them! The above is all true; blogging has matured me as a writer, and has made more self-confident. But, in the overall picture, i have become lazy in my posts. I show hardly any efforts to make them worth the while. It needs to improve and in order to do that, i have made some goals. First of all, i would like to make more time dedicated to reading and writing a response to the reading. I would like to start this during the summer. Another goal for me would be to read more. (Both of these goals go hand in hand). When i stat all this, then i will be more able to write at a higher level than i am now.

To conclude, blogger has changed my life as a writer and as an independent thinker. It has opened my mind so that i am able to work harder than before. I have become more self-confident and also more mature in my writing. However, i have been lagging behind on my post by not putting my full effort into them and also by missing a couple in the past. Everything i said above is true. I am glad to have been able to blog the year and i will defiantly be keeping these posts up during the school year.

Monday, May 2, 2011

my peer review comments.


This was an awesome post even though the topic was hard. I too found it interesting that women have had high positions in the work force, and not only that but a women of african american descent. Also, you made f=good connections between the qoutes and how that relates. overall, nothing really to improve on, just little grammer or spelling mistakes but content wise, spot on.


nice job talking about judjing a book by its cover. Also, nice comparison between the two books.


nice showing the strength of women's rights and independence. the only advice i would beside lenthen the post would be to really define the reltaitonship of women;s ndependence and history with women's independence today. i think that where you were trying to go with this.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rough Draft of book reiew for 1984

  1. If you've read other books by this same author, how does this one compare? (You don't need to decide which one is better, although you can.) (for some reason, blogger wont let me delete the number 1. it is actually number 6)

George Orwell, a renowned writer who writes sci-fi stories relating to governments and how they treat the People. I have read two books by him, Animal Farm, and I am still reading 1984. Both of these books have shocking and VERY disturbing realties. These stories have more in common than they do in differences. Because of this, my post is going to be about the similarities rather than the differences. 

There are many similarities that are shown in both books. The first one, Animal Farm, takes in place on a rebelled farm from the humans. The pigs take over and thus, rule the farm with the saying, "Everyone is created equal, but some are more equal than others." It is very scary to think that some are more equal than others. What does this mean? This is very confusing, but at the same time, makes complete sense. 

In the book 1984, the world is overrun by war, where it is run by the Three ministries, The ministry of peace, ministry of truth and the ministry of love which is the worst of the three because it has to deal with the war of the world. These three ministries work and are united in one to create what is called Big Brother, which run EVERYTHING, and when i mean everything, i mean everything. The face of Big Brother is everywhere, in every little spot. There is no way to escape it. 

Animal farm resembles the Russian Revolution and the way this revolution shaped the rise of the horrible dictator of communism, Stalin. In 1984, the historical back ground of this symbol is the way the Nazis used propaganda to formulate false ideas about their enemies. So, to say it simply, Animal represents the Communist Movement while 1984 explores the Fascist movement in the 30's and 40's. 

As you can, you cannot read Animal farm without reading 1984 or visa-versa. 
Gorge Orwell is an amazing writer who writes about reality before it happens. His 1949 novel 1984 depicts a story where propaganda rules over good intentions. Animal farm is a story about pigs who believe that are the natural born leaders and attempt to take over the farm. Both of the stories are novels that are way ahead of their time. Pretty much, everything in 1984 is relatively accurate, if you get rid of all the symbolism.

Gorge Orwell tells a story about a society that censors everything and forms ideas to dispense to the public.  Every day, they go through procedures and mechanics so that they are able to see what the people are thinking. They have a secret police that is not very secret. They are called the thought police and strike terror in their patents who commit thought crimes. "Thought crime does not entail death; thought crime IS death" pg. 28, 1984 the thought police remind me of the Gestapo of the Nazis. They forced much terror in the people, also familiar to the Soviet Union and their police that would take people to the Gulags.

Animal Farm is a story about rebellion going bad. First the farm revolts and takes down the tyranny of humans. The pigs, being the smartest, naturally take command of the new farm where everyone is treated equally. However, after much trials and tribulations, the Pigs have a shocking secret, that personally shocked me.

These two different books by the same author offer relatively the main facts about governments keeping facts and telling either whit lies or empty promises.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1984 and Animal Farm

George Orwell, a renowned writer who writes sci-fi stories relating to governments and how they treat the People. I have read two books by him, Animal Farm, and i am still reading 1984. Both of these books have shocking and VERY disturbing realties. these stories have more in common than they do in differences. Because of this, my post is going to be about the similarities rather than the differences. 

There are many similarities that are shown in both books. The first one, Animal Farm,, takes in place on a rebelled farm from the humans. the pigs take over and thus, rule the farm with the saying, "Everyone is created equal, but some are more equal than others." It is very scary to think that some are more equal than others. What does this mean? This is very confusing, but at the same time, makes complete sense. 

In the book 1984, the world is overrun by war, where it is run by the Three ministries, The ministry of peace, ministry of truth and the ministry of love which is the worst of the three because it has to deal with the war of the world. These three ministries work and are united in one to create what is called Big Brother, which run EVERYTHING, and when i mean everything, i mean everything. The face of Big Brother is everywhere, in every little spot. There is no way to escape it. 

Animal farm resembles the Russian Revolution and the way this revolution shaped the rise of the horrible dictator of communism, Stalin. In 1984, the historical back ground of this symbol is the way the Nazis used propaganda to formulate false ideas about thier enemies. So, to say it simply, Animal represents the Communist Movement while 1984 explores the Fascist movement in the 30's and 40's. 

As you can, you cannot read Animal farm without reading 1984 or visa-versa. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Gorge orwell is an amazing writer who writes about reality before it happens. His 1949 novel 1984 depicts a story where propoganda rules over good intentons. Animal farm is a story about pigs who believe that are the natural born leaders and attempt to take over the farm. Both of the stories are novels that are way ahead of there time. Pretty much, everything in 1984 is relatively accurate, if you get rid of all the symbolism.

Gorge Orwell tells a story about a society that censors everything and forms ideas to despense to the public.  Everyday, they go through procedures and mechanics so that they are able to see what the people are thinking. They have a secret police, that is not very secret. they are called the thought police and strike terror in their patents who commit thought crimes. "thoughtcrime does not entail death; thought crime IS death"pg 28, 1984 The thought police remind me of the Gestapo of the Nazis. they forced much terror in the people, also familiar to the Soviet Union and their police that would take people to the Guloges.

Animal Frm is a story about rebellion going bad. First the farm revolts and take down the tyranny of humans. The pigs, being the smartest, naturally take comand of the new farm where everyone is treated equally. However, after much trials and tribulations, the Pigs have a shocking secret, that personaly shocked me.

These two different books by the same author offer relatively the ame facts about governments keeping facts and telling either whit lies or empty promises.

Friday, April 1, 2011


While search through vignettes of my fellow peers, I have discovered that fear plays a role in Elizabeth'sMercedes and Bianca's Blogs. They all show fear, whether they be afraid of it or not.

Elizabeth shows that fear for her can be over powering and sometimes frightening in its self. She explains that the monster in the last story is unknown and barely has any description. 
 "I looked nervously back at the house.     “You know, we’re kind of almost out of sight from there... we should head ba-” I said nervously, getting cut off,     “Wait! What happened to the flag over there...? The monster must of taken it!”" 

I like this quote because it shows that she can still be fearful of the unknown. This is a totally different Elizabeth i know. The one that i know is hardly afraid of anything, but, she can still admit when she is, which means that she is open with her self and with others. 

Mercedes shows in her vignettes that her whole life has been fear, well, at least after she moved from Santa Cruz. Here, she writes that she was afraid to be by herself, but yet happy to be with her family.

"No beds for us tonight. We all shared. But I didn't mind. I was scared, truly terrified"

Here, she admits that family keeps her safe and makes her feel comfortable. The beds could possibly be a symbol for separation perhaps and she is thus afraid of separation. She describes the feeling of her family well here so as if to picture your self there actually feeling that feeling of security. 

Bianca's however, is different compared to theirs above. She admits that she is worried but takes the challenge as if it were to be her last. She writes that she she stares into the paper and just starts writing things that end up being the wrong answer.

 "Once he leaves, I stare at the pieces of paper, which stares right back at me. On it were all these weird numbers, blank spaces and a long series of words standing above the numbers. What am I supposed to do with this? Oh well, might as well just put in random numbers. A two here, a twenty-five here, and soon all the blank spaces were filled with my scribbled, messy nonsense. I stroll back outside and hand Mr. Fong the papers."

This quote embodies what i mean because it shows how she is not afraid of the act of losing, even though she is. Actually this is what i see in all these writers. I see them every day with a strong assertive posture. they take life and really try to make the full of it by showing others that it is possible to be strong and courageous even though it may seem impossible.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Yes, the dialogue dose contribute to the story. with out the dialogue, or with minimal dialogue, it would not make sense and would be missing a key component, a life or a warmth. The story line, unforunately, is dry, but still has some potential. Also, it can sometimes skip around to much. where it skips is mainly the dialogue part. When Dorthy and Stella where talking, it was hard to keep up especially when the names and their nicknames where interchanged.

Yes the explanation allows us to see a secret in the story. if that is what ur story is about, then u shuld continue it. Hoever, keep in mind that a love story between a vampire and mortal is over used and can become cliche'd. Even though it is over rated, it can stil have a good grasp of a new take on this typical love story. having it be a phillipino folklore is pretty far out there and i would definately not have noticed it!

Yes, Dorthy's reaction is normal. However, it just seems so spread out. I think all the little detail about the songs the played was just to much....maybe. it is in that sense, easier to connect to as a teenager. But, it was a whole entire page of description about that little dance party (which was a little hard to follow, one moment they were looking stella, the next dancing.)

A little, the cultural aspects sort of assume i, the reader, already know Phillipino folklore. However, You do add decription which helps the reader conceptulize what u were saying.

I think that it is neat that she is fillipino because, in that sense, she is a young women finding out more about her culture. She will examine and explore her self and how she plays a role in her own culture, and thus, reguvinating her culture and making it more abmirable and proud to be who you are. Through discovering here self, she will then discover serets about her culture. MAKE SURE THAT THERE ARE MORE SECRETS OTHER THAN THE ONE ABOUT THE VAMPIRE. it will be way less over rated. this will also hook more readers in....Thank you for letting us read ur book and i ook forward to the rest.