Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Bi-products of peer pressure.

I found this quote on Bianca's Blog:

Through peer pressure, people get the feeling that if they do not follow the crowd, then they are not as cool as the other people. It seems crazy to just think that for a moment of coolness could actually cost someone their life.
     I agree with all Bianca says in her post and this quote. Today, teens are to much obsessed with being apart of the "in" crowd and not being a loner outsider. It seems like everything we do is because to look cool or find a new click we belong to. Drugs, like in Bianca's post, is just another way we can "fit-in", but, we are not even aware of the possible long term affects that can cause harm to our bodies. Another way we are peer pressured is through the clothes we wear. We are constantly being judged by our appearance instead of being judged by our character.
     Is there anything in our lives that is not run by peer pressure? None of us want to be alone or a "loner", but when we are asked about how feel about peer pressure, we respond by stating that we are non-conformists. But we are not. If we were true non-conformists, then we would not need to by fancy phones, or have to wear bright glittery shirts, or walk a certain way or talk a certain way too.
     One huge factor in peer pressure is materialism. Materialism is when we buy and buy stuff and things that we do not need. People judge and are judged by the things we have instead of the character inside us.Peer Pressure can influence this, making it cool to have expansive things instead of cheap things. Thats when people get so excited about new phones like the i phone or the android stuff. Then clothes come into, with the glitter and the brand name stuff. next shoes, with the vans and converse. Are society is so driven by materialism that we have a day dedicated to this, Black Friday. Black Friday is a day that we go and spend a lot of money on stuff for Christmas. It is a huge commercial day and has become embedded in our society.
     To conclude, Peer pressure is something we must all deal with, and to avoid this, we should just be proud of who we are.

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